Arthur LeeLand Trio
The Arthur Lee Land Trio: Where the Colorado Twang meets the Funk. The diverse musical Influences of Americana roots rock, country, funk, blues, reggae, jazz and bluegrass are evident in the band‰Ûªs improvisational journeys and the melodic lines coaxed from Arthur‰Ûªs signature psychedelic hand-painted 1955 Fender B-Bender Telecaster. Featuring Will Trask (Great American Taxi, Analog Son, Jaden Carlson) on drums and Zach Jackson (Mama Magnolia) on bass, the energy of this band is pure joy. The Trio explores electrified arrangements of Arthur Lee Land original songs, all co-written with his non-performing clairvoyance lyricist and wife, Carol Lee, as well as classic rock covers.
Upcoming Shows
Nothing is scheduled at this time. Check back for more shows soon.