Band of Heathens
In the course of evolving from loose assemblage to world-class rock ‰Ûªn‰Ûª roll outfit, the Band of Heathens has built a potent body of recorded work that‰Ûªs won the Austin, Texas ensemble a fiercely loyal fan base and a reputation as one of its hometown‰Ûªs most vital musical resources. BoH is also known as one of America‰Ûªs hardest-working touring acts, while revealing a musical and lyrical depth that consistently enriches an infectious songcraft. Sunday Morning Record, the Band of Heathens‰Ûª fourth studio album (and seventh overall), marks a milestone in the resilient outfit‰Ûªs development, capturing the musicians‰Ûª remarkable creative chemistry along with the deepening melodic and emotional resonance in the songwriting of founding singer-guitarists Ed Jurdi and Gordy Quist. The 11-song set, produced by Austin studio vets and longtime BoH collaborators George Reiff and Steve Christensen, is the product of an intense period of change within and around the group. ‰ÛÏSunday Morning Record was born in the midst of change,‰Û� agrees Quist. ‰ÛÏLife changes, lineup changes, geographic changes. It was a rollercoaster of a year, but that change served the album well and became our muse.‰Û� ‰ÛÏWe set out to make a record that chronicled the journey of the band through a really difficult and uncertain time,‰Û� Jurdi states. ‰ÛÏIn the midst of all of this, Gordy and I were writing songs, starting families, moving families and trying to find a thread to hold onto with our music.‰Û� The musicians‰Ûª journey is documented with insight, humor and empathy on such compelling new tunes as ‰ÛÏShotgun,‰Û� ‰ÛÏCaroline Williams,‰Û� ‰ÛÏMiss My Life,‰Û� ‰ÛÏGirl With Indigo Eyes‰Û� and ‰ÛÏRecords in Bed,‰Û� which embody the catchy tunes and punchy performances for which BoH is known, while showcasing the subtlety and introspection that have become increasingly prominent in the band‰Ûªs work, with an added emphasis on the acoustic textures that have long been present in its arsenal. ‰ÛÏI really think that this is the most personal group of songs we‰Ûªve ever released,‰Û� asserts Quist. ‰ÛÏWe had over 30 to choose from, and they were written while we were pondering some major life changes and digging to find the essence of what the band is.‰Û�