Runaway Fire
The world has a new original rock and roll band: Runaway Fire is creating waves in the unisphere with vocal melodies and stylish guitar tones soaring through tube amps so beautiful they may just send a rip tide of audio large enough to shift the weather into a random rainstorm in the desert! Influenced by a diverse range of rock/alternative/electronic/pop acts (comparisons to Pink Floyd, U2, Radiohead, David Bowie, & Muse), their original songs are rhythmic, percussive, catchy, beautiful, powerful, and easy to sing along with. Featuring the musical talents of Mike Wilson (guitar/vocals) and Marci Allen (keys/synth) and anchored by the solid rhythm section of Chance Taylor (bass) and Nashville native Ian Shaw (drums), Runaway Fire has combined their decades of experience into creating a fresh, pleasing sound that all audiences will enjoy!