2001 – 2019
Michael had a voracious appetite for all things music; he was a collector of vinyl, was always on the lookout for limited edition artist hoodies to add to his collection and grew up immersed in the live music world of Mountain Town Music. But more importantly he was a generous, charismatic, funny kid with a huge heart who marched to the beat of his own drum and cared deeply about his family, friends and his community.
From an early age, music was a major part of his life. Michael spent his toddler years at his dad’s record shop, Orion’s Music where his love of music was born. He and his brother would often take control of the CD player in the family Volkswagen Eurovan while on road trips throughout the Mountain West and bump some hip hop beats.
Michael always saw the good in people and often rooted for the underdog. He was an old soul who loved a good conversation and was a very willing debater, especially when it came to music and sports. He also had a soft spot in his heart for animals. It was not uncommon for Mike to bring home a stray dog, call the owner, but secretly hope they wouldn’t answer so he could keep it. And you could often find him snuggling with his own dogs and cat.
Michael was the ultimate big brother…
What truly set Michael apart and made him such a joy to be around was his kind and generous heart. Michael was always willing to help anyone in need and loved to be around younger kids so he could pass on his knowledge and passion for life. He was also a role model for his brother Jack who has followed in his music loving footsteps…
Michael lived his live in the moment…
He once said, while standing at the top of a ski slope, ” My new motto is, you never know what you are going up against until you go up against it.” Michael started working for Mountain Town Music when he was 10 years old and was an integral part of “the MTM family”, he could often be heard saying “No Problems, Only Solutions.” He handled every production issue in stride just as he lived his life.
Michael was the “utility infielder” for Mountain Town Music, he did it all. He worked in the office, he worked the merch booth, he learned how to run the soundboard so he could fill in in case of emergency and he ran all over town when needed, to ensure “that the show went on”!
It was at a Mountain Town Music event at the Cornu Ranch, in 2019, that Michael’s heart, which was just too big for his body, gave out unexpectedly. He started his spirit journey doing what he loved.
Michael’s impact within the organization was huge and now we want to give back, because we know that’s what Michael would do.
The Michael James Richards Memorial Fund will allow like-minded individuals to explore their passion for music while also making an impact in the Summit County Community and it will allow Michael’s spirit to continue to make a difference…